I became slightly infatuated with Don Lafontaine, ever since I realized that I really liked saying "In a world...". I've been know to add my own slightly off-colour remarks following the famous line, but I've always been true to the master.
My favourite thing about Don was that he was able to make fun of the very thing that made him famous. This is one of the reasons I really like William Shatner as well. Don was recently featured in a Geico Insurance ad that had him explaining what the average person just couldn't describe with any fanfare or panache.
I'll always remember Don Lafontaine, not only as the voice of more movie trailers, FOX ads, intros for 24 and other voice work than I can remember, but as that guy would would also record your voice mail message, if he had the time. He seemed like a really great guy, that I never met. I regret not meeting him.